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Prophetic Events Unfolding

First, I wish to state that I do not predict the time nor day, as stated in Matthew 24:36. However, Jesus did state that we should understand the times and seasons. Verse 37- states "But as the days of Noe were , so shall also the coming of the Son of man be".

So what are conditions like today? Is prophecy being fulfilled? Should we be concerned?

As such, I would like to present information on what is occurring, and prophecies being fulfilled including the Ukranian war.

  1. In Revelation 16:11 , when the 6th seal is opened, the king of the east is prophecied to march a 200 million man army to the middle east. Who would have thought thirty years ago, let alone 2,000 years ago, that China would rise to such extent, both economically and militarily. But before such forces can "march", infrastructure must be established, a way must be created to move soldiers, supplies, communications equipment, military equipment etc.

    In 2012, China announced and started working on "a new silk road" through Asia to the Middle East, and to Europe and Africa. In Revelation 16:14, the whole world will gather for that great battle against Jesus Christ. The Chinese infrastructure will be used, and has now allocated, at last report, $1 trillion dollars toward this project. For such an undertaking, tunnels, roads, railroads etc must be created to navigate through and around the Himalayas and through Africa.

  2. Over the past few years, the start of a separation between the EU/Europe and the United States has occurred. The Ukranian war has excelerated military spending in Europe, both to help Ukraine but also the expansion of armies in Europe. This has significance as Daniel 2 and 7, and Revelation predict the formation of the final Roman Empire at the last times.
  3. Mikhail Gorbachev has warned the world appears to be arming for world war three.

  4. Russia is continuing to develop its military, and space program, as well as S400, hypersonic missiles, and supercavitating nuclear torpedoes. These missles are touted to fly 10-20 times the speed of sound. The claim is that the missles are indefensible, thus raising instability in the world. The doomsday clock is set to 100 seconds before midnight. President Putin has already threatened nuclear war.

  5. The nations are perplexed, upheavals are growing in nation after nation. Economist and other magazines have written articles explaining violence and dozens of riots, of economic problems. Inflation and recession or depression are threatening. These threats will continue to increase.

  6. Europe is in distress, leaders are stating the EU could collapse. Besides NATO, another army is also being developed in Europe, stresses between southern/northern countries continue, immigration is still a hot topic, and extremist parties are increasing in Germany and some say Austria. Watch Europe closely.

  7. The door has been cracked open, there have been calls for a temporary world government to oversee the Covid-19 pandemic.

  8. A great falling away has been occurring for many years now.

  9. The Sanhedrin was established in 2005, the first time in some 2000 years.

  10. In August 2016, the Sanhedrin voted their first high priest in some 2000 years, Rabbi Baruch Kahane stated:

  11. Prophecies concerning persecution in the latter days. Christianity is now the most persecuted religion in the world. Watch for persecution to increase even in the United States. Look for the possibility of Bibles being confiscated as new laws classify the Bible as a "hate" book..

  12. "Concerning the daily sacrifices in Jerusalem, all utensils have been made, and practice sacrifices have occurred. There has been anticipation of sacrificing on the Temple Mount itself. Watch for the daily sacrifices to begin, as 3 ½ years later the Abomination of Desolation will occur, the tribulation truly begins."

    "Rabbi Baruch Kahane as the next Kohen Gadol (high priest)..... "If the political conditions should change, allowing the Jews access to the Temple Mount, they will be required by Torah law to bring the sacrifices. Rabbi Kahane is confident that if that should happen."

We cannot predict the exact time when Christ will return, but world events are shaping up.. Until then, I implore that we communicate and draw close to God, and watch events closely.

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